Visit with the Artist:

All published works are available for purchase. Some are available immediately others will be fabricated for you de novo so the material and size reflects the installation site needs. Even the finish is considered in the final installation in order to have the art work have a voice.

Available Works In Inventory:

1. "Puff of Wind" 6.5 Tons, 33 ft high, Moves in the Wind, Currently Located in The Sculpture Garden, City of Manhattan Beach, CA Price: Enquire

2. "The Conversation": 55" Wide, x 24" high and 3" wide. Curved, solid steel, red pigmented finish. Size available anywhere from 10 ft to 55 f wide and heights up to 24 ft. Price: from $5,500 upwards.

3. "Homage to 2001" : 6' x 12' x 30" 3/4" monumental polished glass over steel obelisk. Price $14,000

Completed art that is integrated into an existing architectural structure are shown merely as examples, starting points to spark the imagination of where art can play a role in enhancing day to day living experience remarkable the esthetic modulation of existing or planned living, work or public spaces.

Asher welcomes enquiries for commissions. Anything from a special eye catching sculpture to fit on a shelf or a wall to monumental works 10 or 30 ft high. Design, wonder and esthetics are the inspirations, but in addition structural integrity and durability are built in the final work. Kinetics, and water, flame and programmed lighting are part of Asher's design palette, to fit the installation's ethos. The visitor is shown available sculptures as well as new designs that can be fabricated in months.


Thank you for your interest. For any inquiries, commission requests or studio visits, please contact Asher David Kelman today.
